
Bethany Lutheran College Choir Concert

The student choir of Bethany Lutheran College (ELS) in Mankato, MN has included our congregation as a stop on their choral tour. They have prepared a concert of sacred choral music, and everyone is invited. Please join us in showing good hospitality, as well as to enjoy a wonderful evening of musical praise to the Lord! There is no cost to attend, but an offering will be taken up to help support the choir and defray costs.

Tuesday May 14, at 7:00 P.M.
Church sanctuary


Every Home a Mission Plant: God Calls All Parents to Be Missionaries to Their Children

CALLING ALL PARENTS! The Christian Ministry happens every Sunday, but our children also need to be ministered to Monday through Friday. That’s where parents come in. The role of parents isn’t only to protect and provide for their children, but to pastor them too. This is why every home should be a sort of mission plant, a little daughter church, of Lutheran Church of the Ascension. Setting up a home altar is how the hearts of our children are ever converted by the power of God’s Word during the week. Please join us for a provocative Bible study that will help parents understand their role in this mission as well as how to best carry it out.

Sundays June 2 and 9, at 9:00 A.M.
Church fellowship hall

Sermons on YouTube

Missed a sermon? Had to walk out halfway through? Want to hear it again? No problem! Most sermons are now being recorded and posted to an official Ascension YouTube channel for you to watch at your leisure. Sermons are posted in the order of the date they were preached.

Adult Bible Study: The History of the Nation of Israel

A barren woman’s miraculous pregnancy. God passed over for a human king. The wicked sons of a righteous prophet. A king’s crimes of murder and adultery. A son’s coup against his father’s throne. A prophet’s persecution. The Word of God lost and found again. These are just a handful of what you will
encounter in this provocative Bible study covering the history of the nation of Israel. Beginning with 1 Samuel then moving on to the Books of Kings, Chronicles, and beyond, we will take a tour of the turbulent history of God’s people, and His faithfulness despite it all, after their establishment as a nation.

Sundays at 9:00 A.M.
Church fellowship hall

Private Confession

Know the peace of a clear conscience and the renewed joy of a soul that has been set free from sin. The gift of Private Confession is a unique opportunity to help you in your spiritual battle and grow you into Christian maturity. The Lord wants to apply His grace to you in this personal and intimate way.
Day & Time: Call Pastor Miller or email to schedule an appointment
Location: Church sanctuary